31 March 2009


So I had a little beef to settle at Redlands this year - last year I was insanely sick (raced anyways and then remained sick for about a month afterwards - I think I learned my lesson... I think) ; anyways, despite my efforts I couldn't finish, and was time cut on the crit stage. This year I wanted to cut at least 30 seconds from my prolouge time, finish, and try to make the top-20. Well, the first two I knocked out of the park, but bad placement (no more tail-gunning) going up the last climb on the Beaumont stage and up the finishing straight (behind a girl who blew a parachutte the size of Alaska) on the crit landed me in 33rd in the final GC, only about 15 min off the leader :P That sounds like a lot of time, but considering just a few places after me in the GC was well over 30 minutes off, I think I should be somewhat pleased that I limited the overall damage. I am by no means thrilled with my performance, but I can definitely find some solace with the 45 seconds I shaved off my time in the Prolouge, and by exceeding my expectations for the final stage - by remaining with the leaders for more then half of the Sunset, not getting lapped on that stage, and being able to finish (I mean really finish - cross the line and all... a lot of people were given pro-rated times and didn't get to cross the line)... so I guess it wasn't all bad.

Going forward I think I need to race a bit more - something tells me the few (relatively small) races I've entered haven't exactly been the ideal prep for such big races; climb more and get some more intensity! Lots to look forward to! Next up on the national front will be the Tour of the Gila, and then... idk we'll have to see (I'm definitely open to recommendations)!

Thanks for readin'

23 March 2009

40 miles down the road...

Soooo, San Dimas ended pretty abruptly on day 2 when my mechanical problems of the day before (although fixed at the time) came back with a vengeance and lead to me dropping my chain in the middle of the KOM! BAH! I fought - at 25mph alone in the wind - for an entire lap of the circuit to catch back on, but by the time I came down the descent going into lap 6 of 8, I could no longer see the field, and pulled the plug in favor of a visit to the local InCycle bike shop - where I proceeded to ask for a rebuild :P SOOOOO... that was that, and I'm stoked for a few things - especially the fact that, despite my lack of intense racing (or much racing at all) my legs seem to be working reaaalllly well! I'm going to have my favorite mechanic from NorCal - Rolf (A Bicycle Odyssey -Sausalito, CA) look my bicycle over, and get race-ready for Thursday!!! San Dimas is a cool little town, and our hotel - besides the random drug busts and undercover cops - was pretty ok for a bike race... but Redlands is already a million times better!!! Our new hotel, only 40 miles from SD...

HAS FREE COOKIES anddddd STARBUCKS :P Oh yes, this will be a glorious stay... More from the road later. Time to pre-ride!

20 March 2009

You're stronger then you think!

So today, the first day of the San Dimas Stage Race, is an uphill-delight... if you like that kinda thing! :P I mean I don't have anything against going up, in fact I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pain that climbing brings - makes ya stronger. Anyways, my goal going into today was to best my time by a minute over last year (regardless of weather/road conditions or bike malfunctions, its always nice to set a personal record for a course)... and that's exactly what I did! Last year I came in at 18:08 for the 3.8 mile prologue, and this year I managed 17:03.and 20th place. And this is all in spite of my awesome mechanical - I am sooooooo powerful, that upon leaving the start house, my cranks came loose! The entire race I couldn't stand, I couldn't push any large gears, and I had to listen to the constant clank of my crankarms coming out of my bottom bracket - to be honest, I'm surprised I finished!
Wellllll... its fixed now, and there are two days left to pedal. Tomorrow will bring a circuit race full of rollers and one sweet winding descent - send me some climbing legs for the kom! My teammates, Marylin and Kathryn also partook in the glories of today, and pulled 24th (17:14) and 36th (17:44) respectively!!! Pretty sweet!
To those racing elsewhere - rock solid.
Cheers, H.

19 March 2009

In a Haze!

I've completely forgotten how incredibly smoggy/hazy it is in So-Cal - its almost as if when you descend into the valley you're encompassed by a cloud so thick visibility and breath-ablity are near zero! Anyways it makes for loads of fun while riding!
Tomorrow is the first day of the San Dimas Stage Race and all 3.8 miles of it are sure to be glorious! :P Til then, cheers. H

14 March 2009

New year, new blog :)

SOOOO... a few races into 2009 with my awesome new team "Specialized Designs for Women p/b Bicycle Haus" and I'm stoked to be starting a new blog!!! I've successfully remained upright for my first two races of the season: Valley of the Sun Stage Race in Phoenix, AZ and the Tucson Bicycle Classic in Tucson, AZ and managed to pull 4th place GC finishes in both stage races!!! It is definitely going to be a fun year and I am heading straight into 10 days in So Cal starting on Wednesay to compete in the San Dimas Stage Race and the Redlands Cycling Classic - both should be leg-busters given the amazing field of girls that will be present!!!

Ty - rock it hard in Georgia this weekend - everyone should cheer for my favorite junior!!
Thats it for now, but theres definitely going to be more to come!!
