23 March 2009

40 miles down the road...

Soooo, San Dimas ended pretty abruptly on day 2 when my mechanical problems of the day before (although fixed at the time) came back with a vengeance and lead to me dropping my chain in the middle of the KOM! BAH! I fought - at 25mph alone in the wind - for an entire lap of the circuit to catch back on, but by the time I came down the descent going into lap 6 of 8, I could no longer see the field, and pulled the plug in favor of a visit to the local InCycle bike shop - where I proceeded to ask for a rebuild :P SOOOOO... that was that, and I'm stoked for a few things - especially the fact that, despite my lack of intense racing (or much racing at all) my legs seem to be working reaaalllly well! I'm going to have my favorite mechanic from NorCal - Rolf (A Bicycle Odyssey -Sausalito, CA) look my bicycle over, and get race-ready for Thursday!!! San Dimas is a cool little town, and our hotel - besides the random drug busts and undercover cops - was pretty ok for a bike race... but Redlands is already a million times better!!! Our new hotel, only 40 miles from SD...

HAS FREE COOKIES anddddd STARBUCKS :P Oh yes, this will be a glorious stay... More from the road later. Time to pre-ride!

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